Sunday, 8 June 2014

Knowing About Spiders And The Brown Recluse

By Chris Smedley

Everyone is probably familiar with the eight legged arachnid known as the spider because one has probably seen this pesky little critter when he goes about with his daily routines. Now to many, spiders may actually seem quite harmless because they do not really bother people. However, there are actually a lot of dangerous ones out there because they are some that are poisonous with the brown recluse as one of the most poisonous in the world.

Now this spider is known also as the fiddleback spider or the loxosceles reclusa. Now this particular bug is put under the sicariidae family which is the family that has very strong venom and has six eyes. These bugs are also known to have a black marking on their backs that would make their backs somehow resemble a violin.

Now a regular spider would have around eight eyes that are not really arranged in any particular order. However, the brown recluse has six pairs of eyes arranged in such a way that there is a pair on top of the face, a pair in the middle, and a pair at the bottom. Now they are also known to have a lot of tiny hairs on their abdominal section.

Normally, one would usually see this type of spider with its legs really stretched out and its body very close to the ground. When it is threatened, it would usually lower down its body and pull back its front legs as if it would be striking at its predator. It usually wants to avoid conflict by running away and moving in swift horizontal movements as to confuse the predator.

Now when it comes to its webs, one would observe that the webs of a brown recluse is different from that of an ordinary spider. A normal spider web would be solid and rather organized while that of a brown recluse is very irregular in terms of shape. One would usually find the webs of a brown recluse in dry areas like garages, in basements, or in attics.

Now usually, one will be able to find these types of bugs in the southern parts of the United States of America like Nebraska or Iowa. Now they can also usually be found in places like Kentucky or even Texas. They would usually stay in places where the weather is pretty hot.

Now as stated above, they would rather run away from threats rather than face them which means that humans do not need to worry so much about their bite. However, if they are put in a situation where they absolutely cannot run away, they will definitely bite. When they would bite, their poisonous venom will circulate around the body of the victim and will result in a lot of bodily conditions.

So if one is interested in the brown recluse, then here are some pieces of information about it. Now do take note that their bite will not be felt right away but once it hits, it hits really bad. If one is bitten by this thing, he has to visit a doctor so that he will be able to get proper treatment.

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