Saturday, 17 August 2013

Studying Tips - How To Easily Achieve Your Goals

By Lachlan Haynes

The first rule of goal setting is defining what you want to achieve. Simple right? The second rule is understanding why you want to achieve it. It's not enough to simply define the goal, you must also be really dedicated to the "why" part of it as well. If you're not, nothing will happen. Don't believe me? Well ask yourself, why would you passionately pursue something if you don't know why you're doing it?

Once you have created a goal you want to achieve and understand you can move to the next level. The next level asks you to ponder the following questions: who do you need to become in order to achieve your goals? What do you need to do in order to achieve your goals? Are you being brutally honest about whether you are working diligently towards your goal or are you really just hoping that by some miracle your goal will be achieved?

Let's look at this another way. If you take no action each day how will your goal be achieved? If you don't take any steps to improve yourself, how will your goal be achieved? Can you goal happen by you continuing exactly the way you are? If not, what are you going to do about it? What improvements do you need to make?

Achieving a goal is a process not an event. The problem is that people don't like processes - we like events! You see, we like to get an A+ on our Maths test, but we don't want to do the study and homework required (i.e. the process) to get the A+, we just want the event - the great score! We like the idea of looking fit and healthy but we don't like part where we have to eat well and exercise constantly. Do we? It all makes sense when you understand that we don't like the process - we just like the events.

The same goes for our education. We all want to be smart and learned (I hope!) But going through each grade and passing each test and handing in each assignment and doing all our homework and getting good grades is really hard work.

Passing school is hard and getting good grades is even harder. But the rewards (i.e. events) along the way, such as getting a positive report card, serve to reinforce the desire and attitude required to go through the process to see the ultimate event happen. It's survival of the fittest. When events don't happen, or the event seems too far away and out of each, the process becomes too much to handle.

This is important when we consider setting our goals and seeking to achieve them. Obviously, if the event itself is the only reason we setting the goal then it makes sense that we are going to struggle through the process required to realize the goal. That's just common sense isn't it?

So, when you set a goal you need to consider the process of how this goal is going to come about. If you decide that you want to get an A+ in Maths (and by the way rule number one of goal setting is to make the goal specific not airy fairy like "I want to improve in Math") then what you really need to ask yourself is "Who do I need to become to achieve an A+ in Maths? What actions do I need to take on a daily basis to achieve an A+ in Maths?"

Goal achievement isn't a result or magic or miracles (although many of us just wish it was that simple). It actually just comes back to understanding what you want, why you want it and who you need to be to make it happen. Once you have all that in mind, the process will take over and the event will take care of itself. But if you follow the trend and focus on the event, you can be sure you will struggle to reach it. Don't let that be you. Good luck!

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