Friday 17 August 2018

How To Get Compensation If You Are Injured At Work Metairie LA

By Patricia Wagner

If you have sustained injuries at your workplace, it is important to know that you may be entitled to get compensation. Louisiana state law requires most employers to provide workers compensation insurance for their employees. After they have been injured at work Metairie LA dwellers should take a few essential steps so that they can file their legal claim successfully and receive fair compensation for the injuries.

One of the important steps to take is to inform your employer about your injuries right away. You may miss work due to your injuries. By informing your employer about the incident, you will comply with workers compensation regulations. The state of Louisiana requires workers to report accidents within a short time after they occur so that they can be compensated. Reporting the incident will raise your chances of receiving benefits soon.

Getting the contact information and the names of the witnesses of the accident is also wise. Note that, insurers and your employer may dispute the details of your case. Your witness will be useful if this is the case. He or she will back up your claims and confirm that you sustained injuries at work and not elsewhere.

After sustaining injuries at work, you should also seek medical treatment as soon as you can. If the injuries are serious, you may need to visit an emergency room or urgent care clinic. If the injuries are minor, find out if the firm you work for requires injured employees to visit a particular doctor of if they can choose the doctor they want. If the employer asks you to see a certain doctor, but you do not like the way he or she treated you, you can choose to see another physician.

When speaking to your employer about your injuries, describe all the necessary details. It is possible that you got injured but you are not suffering from a particular trauma. In such a case, stress, or repetitive overuse may have caused your medical symptoms and you need to report the details of this. Insurance firms and the workers compensation system will consider what you say when you are describing your injuries. Therefore, ensure that you describe the details consistently and accurately in your first report.

The insurer may request you to fill a form authorizing it to get access to your medical records. This is a reasonable request if it only references the medical records that relate to the injuries you sustained at work. Nevertheless, speaking to a workers compensation attorney before you sign the authorization form is wise.

It is also likely that the insurance company will ask you to provide it with a tape recorded statement, describing your accident. In general, you should not give a recorded statement to the insurer without speaking to an attorney first. A lawyer can also assist you to file the workers compensation claim.

You should also attend your medical appointments and keep records of the treatments you receive. Otherwise, an insurer can make the assumption that your injuries are not serious or have been resolved and cancel your benefits. By following these tips, you will make sure that your claim is valid and goes through the legal system without problems.

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