Saturday, 15 September 2018

Top Rated West Orange NJ Counselor Outlines The Less Obvious Symptoms Of Depression

By Gary Cooper

Depression is a concern that is more common than most people assume. This is a debilitating condition that affects the mental health of a patient. It can lead to just about anything from insomnia to a deep feeling of loneliness, worthlessness and sadness. Apart from these well-known symptoms, there are other signs of the illness that a good number of people do not know about. If you or your loved one is suffering from depression, the need to seek the assistance of a seasoned West Orange NJ counselor should not be underestimated.

Depression can bring about physical pain to a patient in some cases. The manifestation of this illness differs from one individual to another. In some instances, it could cause muscle contractions, migraines and headaches. Frequent nausea and vomiting among other digestive problems are also a warning sign of depression.

In addition, a patient could get easily irritable. This is quite different from being sad and in this case, one will simply have a short fuse. A loved one may snap at just about anything and will even be unable to stand jokes or even normal conversation. When a condition goes undiagnosed, one could easily be judged as an unsociable or petty person.

Weight changes are another red flag to look out for. Some patients lose weight while others drastically increase in pounds. The signs and symptoms of depression unveil themselves differently and uniquely from one patient to another. Food can be a source of comfort to one patient and hence an increase in weight. On the other hand, another patient will lose appetite leading to a decrease in their weight.

Excessive habits could also be a danger sign. In case a loved one is glued to social media all day, every day or is indulging in gambling activities too often, this could again be a red flag of depression. It is normal for patients to steer clear of human companionship and they will therefore find an escape from not just the people who care about them, but also from their feelings and thoughts.

It is typical of depressed persons to steer clear of human interactions. They will remain isolated and will not want anyone asking questions of meddling with their affairs. Even though this is not always a sign of mental health concerns, you need to see a counselor because any health individual will crave for human interaction.

Being absent-minded on a frequent basis is a less apparent indication of depression. Fantasizing occasionally is good and can help you find solutions to certain issues. Even so, daydreaming can become a problem when one is escaping from his or her reality. To be happy one has to live in the moment. Excessive dreaminess often portrays that a patient prefers staying in a fantasy world.

Depression is a serious disease and the need to get help should not be underestimated. It is important to seek counseling for a loved one if he or she is displaying any of the above signs. A competent therapist would be able to provide dependable counseling and even accurately diagnose the mental health of your relative.

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