Monday, 22 July 2019

What We Learned So Far From Studying Microbiomes

By Ruth Jackson

The foods we consume and the habits we practice every day play a significant role in ensuring out optimal level of functioning. However, recent studies show that certain organisms within our bodies can also be considered as a major player in the midst. Here are examples of interesting tidbits we managed to learn so far from Microbiome Data Analysis in Mississippi State.

To start, micro biomes refer to tiny organisms that exist within our bodies. One such example is bacteria although fungi, viruses, and even other microbes classified as having a single cell also fall under this category. While some of these components are pathogenic, research suggests that they actually do play a role in making sure our bodies work normally.

Many people are under the impression that micro biomes only refer to pathogenic organisms. This could not be further from the truth since certain areas of our bodies actually host various communities of both good and bad bacteria. In fact, studies show that most humans already have bacteria living within their anatomies even while they are still in the womb.

While different parts of the body have their own set of microbes, many tend to focus on the groups found within our large intestine. This is because the large intestine is considered the largest bacterial ecosystem within a person. On average, a person has about three hundred to one thousand different species of bacteria living in this area alone although this may change.

Another way these organisms can help the body is through metabolizing certain food compounds. Without these entities, the human anatomy will not be able to digest these sources nor use them for energy. Gut flora helps fill this gap by utilizing their enzymes to break down these compartments into easily absorbable material.

Bacteroidetes is responsible for breaking down proteins and complex sugars while firmicutes which metabolizes carbohydrates. Experts found that most obese people tend to have a higher number of firmicutes while having low bacteroidetes compared to individuals who have a normal weight range. Additionally, persons who have a fair enough balance between the two may lead to weight loss which results in better management of body mass.

Another is it also affects weight. A person with an unusual imbalance of certain gut communities may result in weight gain. For instance, some research shows that obese patients often have a higher number of firmicutes and low bacteroidetes while persons who are lean have a perfect balance of both. While these microbes have varied effects on different people, a lack of proper balance can hinder one group from functioning effectively.

Persons who regularly consume a high fat and high sugar diet often fall prey to these side effects. Eating too much of these foods lead the body to become resistant to insulin which can lead to type two diabetes. This of course results to the person to become susceptible to other conditions since the immune system becomes warped.

With so many micro classifications that have yet to be identified, there is no doubt that there is still room for research. Considering that we are on the age of technology, one can expect great discoveries to come while also anticipating for the introduction of healthier and more naturally sourced medications. While this may take some time, the wait is definitely worth it.

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