Sunday, 25 November 2018

Leading Trauma Counselor Vancouver Explains How A Traumatic Life Event Can Cause Depression

By Timothy Walker

A traumatic event is anything that causes a damaging change in your emotions or mood. Getting fired, the death of someone you love, and even emotionally, physically sexually abuse can cause trauma. Some people will even suffer from this mental disorder because they witnessed first-hand as something bad happened to somebody else. If you want to find the finest trauma counselor Vancouver is an ideal area to begin the hunt for highly competent therapists.

Traumatic life events can easily leave a patient depressed. Just like depression, trauma causes a persistent and intense feeling of sadness. Any change that occurs in your life that causes psychological, physical or emotional harm can be termed as traumatic. The most common traumatic events include the death of a loved one, going through divorce and getting fired.

The relationship between trauma and depression is the fact that patients go through troubling episodes of intense sadness and anxiety following a tragedy. In case a patient is susceptible to mental disorders, traumatic stress can swiftly cause depression. This happens when the ability of a patient to respond appropriately to a stressful event is directly impacted.

A patient will not have a coping mechanism to deal with trauma and grief. This by itself robs them of the power to be in control of their lives and generally be productive at what they do. While some patients are not able to trust anyone and cannot build or maintain healthy relationships, others will have challenges remaining employed.

Therapy is designed to help trauma patients to cope with what happened to them. Although a reliable therapist cannot entirely erase an event from your mind, you will master how to deal with it and effectively move on. You can also receive treatment for depression where the therapist will help you to get out of your own head and move past your mood and behavior patterns as well as your crushed spirit.

There are warning signs that would indicate a need for you to seek trauma counseling. To begin with, you should immediately see a qualified therapist if you are experiencing the symptoms of PTSD. Even though post-traumatic stress disorder is mainly suffered by veterans coming home from war zones, a patient can also suffer from the concern after a dangerous event or even emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

Patients suffering from PTSD will avoid social activities, experience emotional numbness, have violent mood swings and even consistently feel deeply sad. It also makes sense to see a proficient therapist if you experienced childhood abuse or trauma. What you should understand is that even traumatic events that happened when you were a kid can stick around to haunt you through your adult life. The need to seek treatment should hence not be underestimated.

If it is clear that anxiety is depriving you of the chance to live your life to the fullest, you should not waste time before seeking counseling. Underlying trauma is known to cause extreme anxiety and this makes a patient to have challenges keeping friends and even going about usual workdays with ease. Fortunately, it is possible to effectively treat trauma.

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