Monday, 27 February 2017

4 Deer Tick-Related Facts From Long Island Sprinkler Specialists

By David Kellan

There are many pests that are common to the eastern United States, but deer ticks might be among the most dangerous. Long Island sprinkler specialists will be able to agree, but many people don't fully understand what makes them so dangerous. Why should we remain aware of them, in addition to the implications they can create in everyday life? When it comes to deer ticks in general, here are 4 facts that might surprise you.

As stated earlier, deer ticks are most common on the east coast. However, you may not know that they are most prevalent in wooded areas, especially among tall grass. This allows them to hide more effectively before attaching themselves to hosts. What this means is that if you're a frequent hiker, your chances of coming into contact with a tick are greater than others. This is just one of many reasons to remain aware of your surroundings.

According to companies like Alternative Earthcare, deer ticks have a lifespan of two years. They go from egg to larva to nymph to adult in that span of time, but they must feed from their hosts in order to do so. The hosts in question range from humans to animals, but the negative implications of these ticks remain largely the same. It's no wonder why certain Long Island sprinkler companies are often hired for these types of situations.

Despite the fact that deer ticks feed off of blood, they actually don't eat very much. What you may not know is that they only eat during important periods of their lives. They eat before moving from the larva stage to the nymph stage. Next, they eat when moving from the nymph stage to the adult stage. Finally, they eat before laying eggs, producing more ticks in the process. Simply put, eating is done by them only when it's absolutely necessary.

Deer ticks have been known to bite people, resulting in possible illness. Some of their sicknesses are more prevalent than others, but they leave their respective impacts all the same. Some of the common illnesses include, but aren't limited to, relapsing fever, tularemia, anaplasmosis, and Lyme disease. Understanding when these conditions arise will depend on your understanding of symptoms. From there, you can seek the medical care you need.

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