Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Nursing Home Negligence At A Brief

By Patty Goff

Public awareness to information and on education about the devastation epidemic that is overwhelming the senior population in the city of Hammond, LA ought to being highlighted. In the nursing homes and other related facilities, a significant percentage of seniors do experience negligence each year. Most cases go unreported and hence pose serious consequences. The nursing home negligence has turned to become a serious epidemic that needs to be addressed.

Facing the laxity issue in nursing units has somehow proved to pose a challenge. Most of the cases have been noted to happen in numerous ways that evidencing them in clear physical modes becomes quite challenging. Majority of laxity victims turn out being susceptible and frail becoming hard for them to protect themselves or seek help. The challenge of proving negligence cases results to most cases going unpunished and unreported.

Admitted residents usually face laxity cases mostly in terms of failure of being provided with appropriate medical, emotional and physical attention. This neglects can consequently lead to risky consequences that may lead to deterioration of the health of a victim and eventual death. In most cases, cases of neglect can develop to degrees leading to physical or at times emotional abuse.

Physical abuse in most situations happens when physical force is used with the intention of causing bodily harm on a patient. This type of abuse usually constitute hitting, usage of restraints, scratching, biting or even biting. Physical abuse one elderly persons do show very obvious signs. This kind of fact makes it more plausible in proving this abuse than most minor cases of abuse.

The emotional kind of abuse happens whenever a caregiver or a person responsible causes any form of emotional distress on a victim. The type of abuse linked to emotional abuse include humiliation and ridicule, ignoring an elderly, terrorizing and even intimidating. Other types of emotional abuse that may add up to this include blaming, scapegoating and even demeaning a victim.

Though it may be an uphill task, taking necessary action turns out to be the only way in stopping this kind of mistreatment and preventing others from turning victims. In the case that the victim is in high danger, he or she ought to get removed from such an incompetent nursing facility with the soonest time possible. Once the victim is in safe hands, a legal action ought to be taken against the faulty facility.

Whenever you feel or observe cases of neglect on your loved ones in a health home facility, ensure that you bring up the issue with the administration of at fault facility and if they seem reluctant or no action gets taken then you should not hesitate to use the appropriate state hotline. Ensure that you have full evidence on cases of neglect from concrete observation to testimonials of the victims.

A negligence attorney on nursing facilities will be useful in helping you file up a case in court. You will in addition get the assistance of going through the complicated legal process as you pursue your negligence lawsuit. A lawyer with a proven rich history in similar cases will be appropriate in ensuring that you are adequately compensated as deserved.

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