Sunday, 25 May 2014

Improve Performance With Classroom Walkthroughs

By Marci Glover

Traditional observation and feedback forms come with an element of clinical supervision that does not seem friendly. They are effective in evaluating the performance of a teacher. There is need to go beyond this point and assist the same teacher to improve his performance. This makes classroom walkthroughs preferable. They are aimed at assisting teachers in their professional development endeavor.

Instructional leadership helps the student to achieve more beyond improving the processes of teaching and learning. Institutionalization of capacity building and structures make the school a conducive place for both teaching and learning. A collective plan is developed to identify challenges and provide solutions. Every stakeholder becomes a participant towards improving performance.

The effectiveness of using the walkthrough model is attributed to availability of data on important processes in the institution. The leadership and teachers are given a chance to participate actively and positively towards changing the fortunes of an institution. The leaders become the teachers at some point which creates a seamless structure.

An observer or more is placed in a classroom to gather data on a particular behavior or practice. The information given helps the faculty to identify areas where curriculum delivery needs to be improved. The observer stays in the class between two and forty five minutes. It depends on the target during each session.

A standard model was developed by Downey Carolyn in the early years of implementation. This model has been improved over time to reflect the diverse and unique needs in different situations. The feedback is given to the individual or a report presented to the department for plenary evaluation. The walkthroughs act as learning processes or tools.

There are numerous benefits beyond collecting data when a faculty uses a walkthrough. The institutional habit or culture is reinforced. This results from the use of uniform approach in delivery. A template is followed and constantly improved depending on feedback. This feedback also acts as the center of discussion on the teaching and learning processes in the institution.

Availability of data from one department or faculty is used to relate to performance in other areas or institutions. Participants in the discussions and evaluation can either be internal or external. Feedback flows continuously which is important for constant improvement. The team understands vital elements about their roles with the aim of improving.

The main aim should be to focus on particular processes and practices as opposed to a teacher. The model developed by Downey was short and focused. It contained informal observations on the curriculum, occasional following and was used to enhance performance through a collaborative process.

The observer should be provided with a template to identify the ideal situation. The template should apply across board since the aim is to track an institutional habit. Such a template is referred to as a look-fors. It outlines the behaviors that must be observed in order to meet a set criterion by a faculty.

A recording of the delivery session can be used as source of primary data. This means that the observer will not be physically present. His presence is likely to interfere with objectivity during delivery. The feedback given helps to institutionalize a particular culture. Standard practices can be applied across board. This explains the modifications that have resulted from unique aspects in each institution.

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