Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Considerations For Septic Systems Queensland

By Amanda Bean

When planning to own a home one need to have some idea how the Septic Systems Queensland operates. Since many people in this area depend solely on the landlord to do the dirty work of septic maintenance, they do not know anything about this task. As soon as you decide to own a home, the issue of this drainage system crops up. It requires regular maintenance and having a good contractor at hand for any issue that may arise other than the initial design and building.

The simple description is that it is a water disposal system where the waste is processed within the home. The common type is the septic tank and drain field where the waste from the house flows into a tank buried in the ground. Separation takes place and water flows out of the tank into the drain field.

A drain field is simply a large PVC pipe with holes to allow water to seep into the surrounding sand and rocks. This seepage system allows for water to be recycles in the system into the ground and water basin. The local authorities control the size of drainage tank and length of the seepage pipe based on the size of the home.

The solid waste is then naturally subjected to bacterial breakdown. However, with time, it will build up in the tank calling for draining. There are those specializing in septic tank drainage who will handle this professionally so as to maintain the integrity of the drainage system. Age and size of the system, and number of people in the home will determine how often it should be drained but there is no set frequency.

Good care should be taken of the septic system at all stages of use. Every material getting into it should be well considered since some will cause damage to it. It is prudent to regularly check the system in order to arrest any problem in time. Unlike the city sewerage system, the drainage system cannot handle garbage and material like diapers and tampons. Grease down the kitchen sink will also cause problems with the system if allowed in.

At the house design stage, take into consideration the system. Have the experts design and does a field test before you even begin building. This may save you a lot of money in design type and having a working system using gravity to feed the system rather than having to pump expensively.

Ask about the different types of septic systems before settling on one. Consider all their advantages and demerits carefully and base your design on that. The simplest is the basic drainage system which will be easy to maintain and cheaper to build. Ask more than one contractor before making any decision and weigh their opinions.

If you are planning to build in a new place, talk to the residents and get to know what systems they have installed. If they are old systems, ask what similar systems are available which are new and betters. Check with the local government to know what new laws govern the building of Septic Systems Queensland.

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