Thursday, 18 April 2019

The Advocacy Of Bridging The Gap

By Stephen Brown

There are phrases that are over utilized for a reason. That is because they are overtly inspiring and also strong in their call to action. They are significant and meaningful on top of being motivational. Among these commonplace catchphrases is bridging the gap Indianapolis.

There are many organizations, nonprofit, nongovernmental, and whatnot that answers to this appellation. The album names and songs are also quite multitudinous. Whatever they are, though, they all serve to underscore the common denominator of humanity. They are all for the betterment of the status and condition of people the whole world over.

The thing with BTG is that it springs immediately into action. They are not all about changing peoples minds. After all, you know how bigots can get. No, this org delves directly into the involved key populations, which they spell out as members of the LGBT community, drug users, and sex workers. NO mixing words there.

And that is just the very thing to do. Leave mind changing to the influencers. However, at this very particular moment, those afflicted are missing out on care and treatment because they dont know what theyre entitled to. Theres this thing about the human psyche in which people tend to gradually own up to what people pelt at them. The most dangerous thing to do is to pick up the stones that other people cast on you and then beat yourself up with them.

BTG is an organization that works with persons marginalized in society. They dont sugarcoat their target patients, namely drugs users, sex workers, and LGBT members. They proffer to let those who are affected have access to prevention, and where its too late, treatment and then care. It is all about letting these people enjoy their basic human rights.

As said, the pinpointed populations may seem like a gross generalization. However, the statistics speak for themselves, since these demographics account for nearly half the new infections in the whole world. Some people seem to be dealing with this by focusing their attention and raising awareness on people that are not yet affected, and in the meantime, those affected remain marginalized.

It is a hard pill to swallow when people own that most of the time, they really have no control over what happens to them. There are those who dont belong to the above demographics but due to skewed circumstances have AIDS as well. There are some who might be practically subsumed in them but the way they contracted the virus wasnt in the common ways in which people tend to think.

With a prenatal infection, infected needle, and unprotected intercourse with someone who you thought didnt have the virus or was sufficiently protected, then it could have been so easily been you. However, people dont really think along these lines, and they prefer to live and subsist inside their own bubble. This discrimination coupled with negligence is detrimental to the welfare and human rights of those affected, and these are things that should be fought for.

The effort to change something that is so ingrained and inflexible should be approached in a foundational way. There is a hierarchy of needs and priorities at work here. When you start off big, those at the individual level will receive mere individual morsels and overly diluted boons. However, when you start gradually, and slowly and surely, you are sure to make a greater difference.

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