Friday, 6 January 2017

How A Tri-County Area FL Estate Planning Lawyer Helps Get Family Affairs In Order

By Julio Riess

When 64 percent of Americans do not have a will, that means that many families will be left in flux if something dramatic happens. To avoid this happening to your family, a Tri-County Area FL Estate Planning Lawyer is your best option.

Many people would rather not dwell upon their deaths, or what might happen to their families in the event that this happens. Though this is perfectly natural, it could have dire consequences for your family, even if your estate is not very large or you do not have a large sum of money.

Not making a will means you cannot direct how you wish your estate to pass. Instead, the State has a paradigm of rules under which your property will pass. In Florida, generally, this means that if you have children but no living spouse, your property passes to your kids. But what about waiting creditors, or if your children are infants or simply not yet of maturity? Who will the State choose to be their guardian?

Things get potentially even more complicated if you have grown children by someone other than your spouse, since they may get left out without a will. Things could get tied up in courts for months or even years, which can tear otherwise loving families apart and make things very stressful.

If you need to ensure a positive legacy, then you need a lawyer. You need a lawyer for any property you wish to leave to somebody outside your immediate family or to a charity, if you wish to protect a beloved pet, if you want to make sure something goes to your children or stepchildren without it first going to your spouse, etc.

Show your family how much you care one last time by getting your will done ahead of time. This lets them grieve without any added stress or worries about legal issues.

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