Monday, 26 September 2016

Instances That You May Need A Los Angeles Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

By Jessica Cook

The law advocates for equal employment of all employees irrespective of the gender. Dealing with women can be scary and terrible since they are entitled to various leaves such as the maternity leave. However, as an employer, you ought to understand this and read the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law. The act protects the rights of pregnant women and advocates for equal treatment of such females. If you are discriminated because of any pregnancy issues, it is wise to sort the help of a Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination lawyer to help you through the process. The article will shed light on ways pregnancy discrimination could arise.

The act forbids any form of inequity in every aspect of employment. For instance, one should not receive unfair pay, benefits, firing or miss on any promotion opportunities because they are pregnant. The law forbids any act that stops or makes an employer miss out the women on various work activities because they are pregnant. Hence, women ought to work on their jobs and are still treated suitable for any job activities.

There is a limitation of number where such a PDA act qualifies to be referred to, usually 15. Therefore for small businesses or organizations then it is vital to consult the local Bureau of women agency where you are assured of immediate aid.

Suing your employer is usually a great decision and step towards getting your rights if you feel oppressed. However, such should not be the reason for him or her to fire you if he or she is familiar with the law. Therefore in case of such an incidence, then you need a qualified legal representative to see you through.

It is not allowed by law to be segregated on promotions because of your expectancy status. It is unjust for your employer not to consider you for a promotion because you are with child. It has been proven that females reproductive even when they are with child and ought to be treated fairly. By, segregating you, they are putting you in the status that you are incapable of handling the responsibility that comes with the promotion.

If one is out on maternity leave, your employer should hold your position open for the appropriate time. There is a time limit for the maternity leave. Hence, any employer should hold such a position vacant until such a duration elapses. Where an employer opens the position before the elapse of the period, they can be sued for unfair treatment.

It is not a must that you tell your potential employer or current employer whether you are unmarried or pregnant. It is not a law that one should disclose their pregnancy status or marital status as long as they can work appropriately. The core aim is for one to be able to perform all the duties and functions of the job properly. Also, it is forbidden for an employer to ask an employee whether they are planning to have children in the future.

Depending on the organization you are working, you could be treated differently if you are pregnant. There are some organizations such as the religious companies that strongly discourage premarital marriages. As such, if you are an unmarried person and are pregnant, you could be limited to the employment rights. However, such employers do not limit the rights of married pregnant persons.

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