Saturday, 13 February 2016

Things To Know About Having A Photographic Memory

By Mary Brooks

This type of memory is usually common in kids unlike the older generation. It is the ability that enables person to vividly remember all details when it comes to a certain event. This includes even the sound which was produced. They do not need mnemonics to do this as they are just gifted. The following is therefore information on a photographic memory.

Not all children have this gift however, statistics point out that this is only evident in less than ten percent of these little one. Persons should, however, note that there is no connection between this and a persons intelligence. Very few adults enjoy this advantage and if not properly natured at a tender age, it may eventually fade away with time.

This is evident in special individuals who can briefly peruse through a page and within a matter of minutes recite the whole content of what was inside the book. It usually come as a big surprise to many as the normal persons need a lot of time and practice so as to be able to master the same amount of concept which to some it regarded to as a supernatural power.

One of the many benefits which people such as these enjoy is in academic. In the event that they have to study last minute for an exam, they will absolutely have no problem in this. It will see to it that they end up getting good grades unlike their counterparts who did not have enough time to study.

Another great advantage of this is that individuals are able to recall the exact position they placed their items. This will come in handy especially in the event that one looses something. There is nothing as frustrating as not remembering where important items were placed. Having this type of memory ensures that one does not have to go through all the hustle of trying of recalling where certain items are.

This has been the center of many debates for many years now. Scientists claim that there is no enough evidence to support this theory. This is in contrast with the many published books and articles which claim that people like these do exist in real life. One should however differentiate between the ability of a person to have a good memory and for them to have a photographic one because the two are extremely different.

There is also a disadvantage to this despite the many advantages it has. It is not always best to remember each and everything as there are some incidences which need to be left in the past. These gifted persons however tend to remember all, the good and bad. This means that they are able to recall the most devastating moments of their lives, a situation which could lead to incidences of anxiety.

In conclusion, there is a valid reason why individuals with this special gift are not the brightest in class. This can be explained by the fact that it is not easy for them to focus on specific details most of the time. It is because there is too much pressure as the many images in their minds sometimes overlap.

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